What Chemicals Are Essential for Pool Maintenance?

Taking care of your pool means using the right chemicals to keep the water clean and safe. Here’s a simple guide to the main chemicals you need and what they do:

pool chemical

1. Chlorine

What It Does: Chlorine kills germs and keeps algae out of your pool.
How to Use: Add chlorine regularly to keep the level between 1-3 ppm (parts per million). You can use tablets, granules, or liquid chlorine.

2. pH Balancers

  • pH Increaser (Baking Soda): Raises the pH level if it’s too low.
  • pH Reducer (Pool Acid): Lowers the pH if it’s too high.
    Why It’s Important: The pH should be between 7.2-7.8 so the water doesn’t hurt your eyes or skin and lets chlorine work properly.

3. Alkalinity Adjusters

What It Does: Helps keep the pH stable so it doesn’t bounce up and down.
How to Use: Add a special chemical called sodium bicarbonate to keep alkalinity between 80-120 ppm.

4. Calcium Hardness

What It Does: Stops pool water from getting too soft, which can damage the pool. So, it’s important to maintain your pool weekly  basis.
How to Use: Use a calcium increaser to keep levels between 200-400 ppm.

5. Cyanuric Acid (Stabilizer)

What It Does: Protects chlorine from sunlight in outdoor pools so it lasts longer.
How to Use: Keep the level between 30-50 ppm.

6. Algaecides

What It Does: Keeps algae from growing in your pool.
How to Use: Use it weekly or when you notice algae starting to grow.

7. Pool Shock

What It Does: Cleans the pool by getting rid of dirt, oils, and germs that chlorine can’t handle.
When to Use: Use shock once a week or after heavy use or rainstorms.